How To Revive An Orchid? Simple Hacks

How-to-revive-an-OrchidDo you want to revive an orchid. We know how difficult it can be to see your orchid die, especially when it seems like there is nothing you can do to help.

If you read with keen interest this article and do everything as directed, you will be able to revive your orchid without any hustle. I’m going to help by answering questions you may have and providing tips on how long the process of reviving an orchid will take, but only if you follow all the steps exactly as listed.

How to revive an orchid – Save The Life

If you’re lucky enough to have a collection of orchids, you’ll know how difficult they are to keep alive. But with careful management and regular care, you can keep your plants thriving for years.

Before starting any treatment, always check the plant’s label for instructions on how to care for it. If there are no instructions, try searching online for advice from other orchid owners.

What is an Orchid

An orchid plant is a type of flowering plant that is typically found in warm, humid environments. These flowers vary in shape and size, but they are all distinguished by the presence of two long stems known as pedicles. They also have broad leaves covering the entire surface of the flower stalk.

How to Revive an Orchid With Tea

Freshly picked orchid plants often have a yellow appearance, but the roots are soft and pliable. If you cut your orchid plant from its pot, you should be careful not to expose it to too much sunlight because it needs its roots in a dark area. It is best to leave the plant in its pot for about one week without water until all of the seeds have been exposed before planting it again.

If you find yourself drooping with an orchid, it may just need a little TLC (tender loving care). Here are some tips on how to revive an orchid with tea:

Here’s what you do:

  • Place two green tea bags into a cup of warm water (not boiling) and let them steep for about 10 minutes.
  • Remove the bags and let cool until room temperature. 
  • Then dip your orchid’s leaves into the solution until they’re saturated with a liquid (the longer they’re soaked, the better). 
  • Rinse well under cool water and allow to dry completely before placing back into its potting soil (preferably one with drainage holes).

Home Remedies

Method 1:

Take the orchid and drop it in a cup of water. The orchid may float or sink. If it falls, add more water to the cup. The orchid should flow if the water is not too hot. Then add a teaspoon of sugar to the cup and pour enough boiling water over it so that the sugar dissolves completely. Let this mixture cool down before putting your orchid back in its pot and watering it with distilled water.

Method 2:

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of tea leaves over the orchid and leave it to steep for 5-10 minutes. Once the tea has steeped, you can use a damp cloth to clean the orchid and place it back in its pot.

Method 3

Add one tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey to a cup of boiling water. Fill the orchid vase with the mixture, then let it sit for about 10 minutes.

Gently remove the pot from the vase, and keep it in a warm place like an overnight warmer (or simply leave it on your windowsill until morning).

Now you should be able to see tiny new leaves emerging out of the old leaves. The reason orchids aren’t resilient enough to survive without their roots because they are not used to being without light. If you want better results, find a dark spot far away from any windows or other sources of light.

Tips to Revive

Here are some tips for reviving an orchid that is dying.

  • Take the orchid out of the pot and put it in a cool, shady place (a garage or shed would be ideal). The temperature needs to be around 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 C) for the plant to thrive.
  • Water the plant with room temperature water every two days to keep it hydrated and prevent mold from forming on the roots, which can be fatal to your orchid. You should also mist the leaves with room temperature water every day. This will help dry out any condensation that forms under the leaves.
  • If you don’t have access to a fabulous, shaded location, use a humidifier with a tray underneath your orchid pot so that it stays wet all day long without getting too saturated at one time. Keep this tray filled with lukewarm distilled water, which is what you should use as your primary watering source as well!
  • Keep an eye on your orchid’s overall health by observing how much new growth has emerged from its roots since you last repotted it (about six weeks ago). Most importantly: look for signs of greening.

How to Care for Orchid Plant

  1. One of the most important things you can do for your orchid is kept it well-watered and in a warm, sunny location.
  2. Orchids are tropical plants, so they thrive in warmer weather conditions. 
  3. Make sure that your orchid has fresh air by opening the door occasionally and letting some sunlight filter through.
  4. If you live in an area with cold winters, try supplementing the plant’s water with room-temperature water mixed with ice cubes periodically throughout the winter.
  5. When watering your orchid, use lukewarm water instead of hot liquids because this will help reduce stress on the plant’s roots.

Dehydrated Plant

Dehydrated Plant

If your orchid is dehydrated, it may be in shock. If possible, leave it alone for a few days to see if it can recover without help.

If the leaves are still green and flexible, you can rehab the plant by following these steps:

  • Place the orchid in a pot and fill with water until the roots are completely submerged. If the leaves begin to fold up, ensure they’re touching the water’s surface so they can photosynthesize properly.
  • Place the pot in a shady spot near an open window or sliding glass door where there’s good air circulation.
  • Check your orchid daily until it begins to perk up and show signs of life (green leaves). After recovering from this initial shock, you can move it back into its normal location and resume watering as usual


We have shown you how to make tea from one particular herb that’s been used for centuries to help revive orchids. It’s important to know that there are different kinds of tea to use with your orchid and other home remedies too. Some methods are more effective than others so try a few before you start using them.

That’s it. So, Now you all know how to revive your orchid plant. Just follow these steps, your plant will happily alive again in no time. Happy gardening everyone!!

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