How to Get Bermuda Grass to Spread – Expert’s Advice

How-to-Get-Bermuda-Grass-to-SpreadBermuda grass is a great option if you’re looking to add a touch of green to your landscaping. It is a beautiful garden plant that can be hard to start in your yard.

You’re not alone if you’re struggling to get Bermuda grass to spread. Many people work out to know how to get bermudagrass to spread.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide with tips on how to get Bermuda grass to spread. We’ll teach you how to water it correctly, fertilize it, and even control its growth.

So if you’re looking for a way to add height and color to your garden, read on! Here are some tips on how to get Bermuda grass to spread effectively in your garden.

To learn more about the growth cycle of grass and when it naturally stops growing, check out our article on When does grass stop growing?

How to Get Bermuda Grass to Spread – Quick and Healthy

Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that spreads by stolons or runners. The stolons are horizontal stems that grow from the base of the plant and send out roots at each node. They can grow up to 3 feet long and reach outward as far as 20 feet from the parent plant.

Before planting Bermuda Grass, it is important to know some facts about it, such as:

It spreads quickly when conditions are right, so you may need to control it if you don’t want it to take over your lawn.

Bermuda grass is also known as cockspur, Bermuda bent, buffalograss, and colter’s carpetgrass. This grass can be planted for lawns and golf courses and is often used as an ornamental ground cover in gardens and around ponds.

Buy Seeds From a Reputable Seller

Make sure you’re planting Bermuda grass seed from a reputable seller. Some vendors sell seeds that are not true Bermuda grass, so make sure what you’re buying is the real deal. Also, check for disease when purchasing seeds from local growers or garden centers; these could kill off your newly planted seedlings before they get established.

Plant your seeds according to package directions — most recommend 1/4 inch deep and 2 inches apart with rows spaced 6 inches apart — but don’t cover them up with soil yet!

Learn more about the effects of dish soap on your lawn in our article: Does Dish Soap Kill Grass

Tips to Grow Bermuda Grass

Planting Bermuda grass seed is easy if you follow these simple steps:

Tilling The Area

Prepare the soil by tilling the area where you plan to plant Bermuda grass seed. Till the soil down 6 inches deep and remove any large rocks or debris from the soil surface.

Spread Compost

Spread a 1/4-inch layer of compost over the tilled area and till it into the soil for improved drainage and fertility for Bermuda grass seedlings when they start growing in springtime.

Seed Mixed With Moist

Seed Mixed With Moist

Mix your seed with moist potting soil at a ratio of 3 parts seed to 1 part potting mix for better germination rates and faster growth rates than using just dry seed alone.

Sunny Location For Germination

To start, choose a sunny location with well-drained soil and prepare the area by digging up the soil and adding compost or fertilizer. Then carefully spread the seed over the area, ensuring it’s not too thick or thin.

To learn effective techniques for encouraging Bermuda grass to spread and flourish, check out our comprehensive guide on How to Get Bermuda Grass to Spread.

Rake the Soil

Rake the seed into the soil so there are no clumps or bare spots on top of the ground where weeds could easily grow. Water thoroughly every day for several days until the seeds have germinated and sprouted above ground level.

Water The Grass

Water The Grass

After that, water only, when necessary, keeps the soil moist but not soggy so it doesn’t rot in place. Once Bermuda Grass has grown to about 6 inches tall, mow regularly with a push mower set at 2½ inches high to keep it from getting too tall and getting weeds around its base.

Somewhere if you are interested in tall grass, you must know about the world’s tallest grass. If yes, we are here to increase your knowledge.

Mow Regularly

Once Bermuda Grass has grown to about 6 inches tall, mow regularly with a push mower set at 2½ inches high to keep it from getting too tall and getting weeds around its base.

Use a Slitted Aerator 

Use a slitted aerator on your lawn to make more room for root growth. Bermuda grass spreads through rhizomes — underground stems that grow horizontally along the soil’s surface. These stems have roots attached at intervals along their length, allowing them to anchor themselves into the soil and grow new shoots where they touch the surface. 

Remove weeds

Weeds compete with your Bermudas for nutrients and water, so if you don’t want weeds taking over your lawn space, ensure they don’t get established before your Bermuda grass has had time to fill out.


Plant more than one variety of Bermuda grass at once to cross-pollinate each other and produce more seeds. This will result in more seedlings that can plant elsewhere around your yard or garden. If you want to prevent cross-pollination between varieties, grow them on opposite sides of your yard or garden so they don’t come into contact with each other until they mature enough to produce seeds.

Best Types Of Fertilizers For Bermuda Grass


Three types of fertilizers can be used on Bermuda grass:


These are natural compounds that are derived from plants or animals. Examples of organic fertilizers include manure, compost, and bone meal. Organic fertilizers release nutrients into the soil and do not burn Bermuda’s roots when applied too heavily.


It contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK). These chemicals add directly to the soil by spraying them onto your lawn or mixing them with water and spraying them onto your lawn using a hose-end sprayer. Inorganic fertilizers provide quick results but must be applied carefully so they do not burn Bermuda’s roots or create an imbalance in the soil’s pH level.


These contain only NPK; they provide no organic material to help build healthy soil structure around your Bermuda grass roots.

Types Of Bermuda Grass Fertilizers

Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) is a popular warm-season turfgrass commonly used for lawns, sports fields, golf courses, and other landscapes. Proper fertilization is essential to maintain a healthy and lush Bermuda grass lawn. The choice of fertilizers for Bermuda grass depends on its specific nutrient requirements and the soil type in your area. Here’s an explanation of some of the best fertilizers for Bermuda grass:

  1. Complete NPK Fertilizers: NPK fertilizers contain three primary nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Bermuda grass requires these nutrients in varying amounts to support its growth and overall health. Nitrogen is important for promoting leaf and stems growth; phosphorus supports root development and overall plant health, while potassium aids stress tolerance and disease resistance. Look for a balanced NPK ratio, such as 16-4-8 or 10-10-10, and apply according to the recommended rates on the product label.
  2. Slow-Release Fertilizers: Slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients to Bermuda grass over an extended period. They are particularly beneficial because they reduce the risk of nutrient leaching and minimize the chances of excessive growth spurts followed by stress. Slow-release fertilizers come in various formulations, including polymer-coated granules and organic options like composted manure or natural materials.
  3. Granular vs. Liquid Fertilizers: Both granular and liquid fertilizers can be effective for Bermuda grass, but they have some differences. Granular fertilizers are applied in solid form and release nutrients gradually as they break down in the soil. They are easy to apply with a spreader and are suitable for larger lawn areas. Liquid fertilizers are mixed with water and applied using a sprayer, providing quicker nutrient uptake by the grass. They are great for spot treatments or for providing a rapid green-up.
  4. Micronutrient-Rich Fertilizers: Besides the primary nutrients (N, P, K), Bermuda grass also benefits from micronutrients like iron, manganese, zinc, and others. Micronutrient-rich fertilizers help prevent nutrient deficiencies and promote vibrant green color. These can be applied separately or as part of a complete fertilizer blend.
  5. pH-Adjusted Fertilizers: Bermuda grass thrives in slightly acidic to neutral soil conditions (6.0 to 7.0). pH-adjusted fertilizers contain added materials that help maintain the soil pH within the optimal range for the grass. Keeping the pH balanced ensures that nutrients are readily available to the grass.
  6. Seasonal Fertilization: Bermuda grass has different nutrient requirements during its active growing season (spring and summer) than its dormant period (fall and winter). Use a fertilizer with higher nitrogen content during the active growth to support lush green growth. Consider switching to a formulation with lower nitrogen in late summer to help the grass prepare for winter dormancy.

Also learn how to get Bermuda grass to spread rapidly by exploring our guide on Fastest Growing Grass and transform your lawn into a lush, green paradise.

Problems with Bermuda Grass Growth

Problems with Bermuda Grass Growth

PH Level

This grass (Cynodon dactylon) grows best in full sun and well-drained soil with a pH between 6 and 7.5. It doesn’t like clay soil or any shade from trees or buildings because these environmental factors make it difficult for the plant to thrive. If your lawn has poor drainage or shady spots, consider replacing it with another type of grass before planting Bermuda seedlings.

High Humidity Level

It needs high humidity levels and hot temperatures to germinate and grow properly. This means you must water your lawn regularly during dry spells to keep it healthy and prevent weeds from taking over your yard.

Don’t Water Regularly

It has poor drought tolerance once established in northern climates. If you don’t water regularly during dry spells, Bermuda grass will turn brown and die back quickly if insufficient water is available.

Learn how to encourage Bermuda grass to spread and troubleshoot common issues like grass turning white with our comprehensive guide.


As you know, Bermuda grass is beautiful and can be used for many purposes. However, it cannot be easy to get it to spread. In this blog, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to get Bermuda grass to apply easily. By following these steps, you’ll be able to succeed in reaching your Bermuda grass to spread quickly and beautifully! Thanks for reading!

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